Tony Nicklinson's widow Jane is calm.
A young barrister looks around the courtroom, stares up at the paintings. A silk arrives. 'We're unrobed by the way. Didn't you get the email?' The barrister quickly stuffs away his wig and gown.
Lord Neuberger reads the summary of the judgment, careful to delineate the divisions of opinion between the justices.
Afterwards, I look down at the press melée outside in Parliament Square.
Joshua Rozenberg gives an interview. A reporter-mermaid keeps brushing her long blonde hair; she checks her reflection in the camera lens, in the screen of her phone. Urban birds may one day incorporate the loose hairs into their nests.
After a cluster of interviews, Jane Nicklinson sits quietly, having just lost a case. A triumphant bride in a white net extrusion strides into the tableau with her groom, poses briefly in front of the building and sweeps away with her entourage. Tall, beautiful, confident.
The bride does not know that she was a few feet away from Jane, an icon of marriage. In sickness and in health. Yup.
Till death us do part. Except, you see, it doesn't.
I wrote about my day at the hearing here:
More pictures if you scroll down.
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